Here is a selection of our main services. If you do not find one that suits you, please contact us anyway. Together we will find the solution that best meets your requirements.
Project Management
Project management in a tourism company. We'll help you to think about common problems in a new way!
Each new venture involves the following processes: initiation, planning, execution, control and ...
Visitor Experience Assessment
Test our customer journey. It is a feedback system for tourism companies, combining external view, in-house analysis, conducting anonymous test purchases and...
Personnel development
Personali arendamine on töötajate kaasamine, ettevalmistamine ja koolitamine, nende teadmiste, oskuste ja võimete arendamine ning karjääri juhtimine. Tänapäeval on heade töötajate...
Come and see Estonia on a day-trip
Day-trips, private tours, press trips, and familiarisation (FAM) trips to promote tourism products. We love to create customized travel plans for individual travelers, families and small groups of friends, and your foreign guests...